Khan Academy offers a HUGE number of DIY learning opportunities for coding, and for everything else. Most of their available resources for learning to code are most relevant to web-development, but don’t necessarily stop there. For example, Khan Academy has several different courses for learning JavaScript (JS), which is widely used for websites, but can be applied in a variety of areas. Web-specific courses include HTML/CSS and HTML/JS. Khan Academy is a great place for beginners, and is a good choice if you want to learn to code for website-creation, but don’t have ambitions of coding professionally. The courses use a variety of teaching methods, including videos, read-throughs and examples, making it very accessible to lots of different people.
Where to start…
Click here to access the Computer Programming section of the KA website. Create an account if you want to save your progress!
Info & Tutorials…
Help Center (General) – Here you will find long lists of FAQs that address how to use the website, Khan Academy’s teaching strategy and more.
Help Center (Computer Programming) – This is a list of FAQs specifically about the Computer Programming courses on Khan Academy.
Support Community – The Computer Science and Programming section of the community support section is a great place to ask questions and find answers.
Example Projects…
User Projects – Part of the Khan Academy courses involves creating projects. Check out what other users are creating here.