- Jan Borstelmann, Chair
- Pauline McIntosh, Treasurer
- Connie Tyler
- Lauren Vu
- Cortney Rodriguez
Nonvoting Members
- Savannah Wake, Director of Internal Operations and Board Secretary
Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 pm MST the Friday prior to a meeting or hearing. All comments must include your name and residential address (no mailing or temporary addresses) and reference what agenda item or topic you are commenting on. Written comments will be provided to all members of the Library Board prior to a meeting or hearing. Written comments should be submitted to the Board Secretary or mailed to VTL c/o Savannah Wake at 79 N. Main St. Driggs, ID 83422.
Comments may also be submitted in person at the scheduled hearing or meeting. Please review the procedures below and arrive no less than 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to register.
- No person shall be permitted to testify or speak before the hearing body at a public hearing unless such person has provided their name and residential address.
- At the start of the meeting, the presiding officer of the hearing body shall establish a time limit to be preserved by all speakers.
- No person shall be permitted to speak before the hearing body at a public hearing unless such a person shall be recognized by the presiding officer.
- The speaker should address the hearing body and shall not be interrupted by members of the hearing body until their time limit has been expended, or until they have finished their comment.
- Testimony should directly address the subject at hand, should not be repetitious with written entries, and should not be personally derogatory.
- At the conclusion of a speaker’s comments, members of the hearing body may have an opportunity to question the speaker and the speakers shall be limited to answers to the questions asked. A discussion period is not guaranteed and will be determined by the presiding officer.
- Any person not conforming to any of the above rules may be prohibited from speaking during the public hearing and should any person refuse to comply, they may be removed from the room by order of the presiding officer with the assistance of law enforcement if necessary.
Members of the public can submit a request to be added to a meeting agenda by emailing the Board Secretary. Requests must be received at least two weeks prior to the meeting in which you are requesting to be added. The Board will determine if it is appropriate to add the requested item to an agenda and notify you at least five days prior to a meeting.
Find board meeting agendas, minutes and additional documents via the links below. To find a Zoom link to a current meeting, click on the meeting’s agenda. Meeting minutes require board review and approval and are presented in the following public board meeting.
2024 Board Meetings
2023 Board Meetings
2022 Board Meetings
2021 Board Meetings