Learning to code for mobile apps can seem a bit daunting. Like website design, there are many different tools that you might need to be familiar with in order to make a good app. Fortunately, not everyone wants a career developing apps, and if your interest is more in the vein of making one app that fulfills a personal need, there are many ways to learn just what you need to know. For getting started, it is good to know a few basics. One is the programming language(s) that you will need to start making apps. The simple version is: Android apps use Java and iOS apps use Swift. Start there and work your way to more complex tools as you need them. The following links should be enough to get you going and take you as far as you want to go.
Android App Development…
Code Academy (Java) – Interactive walkthroughs, which allow users to start coding immediately. Fun and engaging.
SoloLearn (Java) – Read-throughs and quizzes for quick studying. Also available as an awesome app for Android and iPhone.
Udacity (Java and Android) – A large selection of programming courses for all experience levels. Mostly video lessons, with quizzes and problem sets mixed in.
Android Developer Website – The official website for Android developers is chock-full of information on everything from operating system functions to code references. It’s a great place to search out answers to your questions.
iOS App Development…
SoloLearn (Swift) – Read-throughs and quizzes for quick studying. Also available as an awesome app for Android and iPhone.
Hacking With Swift – Many read-through tutorials, which include projects and how-tos. Free materials are only available online.
Udacity (Swift and iOS) – For iOS development, Udacity features mostly intermediate level courses.
iOS Developer Website – Apple’s official website for iOS developers. It has tons of information for learning and reference.