Valley of the Tetons Library is open by appointment in addition to continued curbside service. Please read detailed expectations HERE. Our current schedule (subject to change) looks like this:
Monday: 10-6
(Monday appointment times are reserved for patrons at risk)
Tuesday: 10-6
Wednesday: 10-6
Thursday: 11-6
Friday: 10-6
(Please note we are closed for lunch daily from 1-2)
To make an appointment, please call or email the library at 208-787-2201, (Victor) or 208-354-5522, We look forward to seeing you!
Curbside pickup at Valley of the Tetons Library continues. Please click HERE for detailed instructions on curbside procedures.
If you are 65 years or older or at high risk due to underlying conditions, you can request home delivery. The service is also available to patrons unable to travel. Click HERE for details on home delivery.
To make a book/material donation, please call 208-787-2201or email the Victor branch Click HERE for our current donation guidelines.
The library’s e-resources (Libby/Overdrive) remain available, as does our free public wifi in close proximity to library facilities for use on personal devices.
Click HERE for updated information on the spread of COVID-19.
Applications for financial assistance to ease the economic strain caused by COVID-19 are available through the Community Resource Centre web site An application can also be completed over-the-phone at 208-696-2016. Anyone may apply for assistance with basic expenses, including rent, utilities, medications, and gas.
Click HERE for the current Idaho Department of Labor Unemployment FAQs. / 208-787-2201 / /208-354-5522