Stency is an incredibly feature-rich piece of software designed to get you started making professional quality games right now. You can use Stencyl to create games for iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, Linux and Flash, all using block-style code. Many people have used Stencyl to make games for fun and for profit, selling their games and ad space within them. If you are looking for a fast-track way to become a mobile game developer, or just want to make custom games for you and your friends, Stencyl is an awesome tool!
Where to start…
Stencyl is available to download here for MacOS, Windows and Linux, and can be used without an internet connection.
Info & Tutorials…
Stencylpedia – The Stencylpedia Table of Contents is the ultimate hub for all things Stencyl. Many of its subsections are detailed below.
Crash Courses – The first crash course is a walkthrough of the software’s basic features, and the second takes you through the creation of a game start to finish.
Stencyl Block Reference – This offers detailed explanations of all available code blocks within Stencyl.
Stencyl Forum – This user-rich community is a great place to ask your questions or learn from other peoples’.
Stencyl TV – This page contains links to tons of instructive videos on a range of topics, from beginner level to advanced.
Example Projects…
Stencyl Showcase – The creators of Stencyl compile the “best games” created by Stencyl users. Try them out now!