Over the past several years, Valley of the Tetons Library heard from our community that we should explore the need for a new library building. This multi-year project has made significant progress.
Land Donated for a Future Community Library
Valley of the Tetons Library (VTL) is thrilled to announce that land has been donated for a future library building site. Stefan Merriam, a generous local land owner, gifted a parcel of land on the corner of Harper Ave and Main St in Driggs that will eventually become the new home location of the Driggs Branch. Merriam is committed to childhood education, access to information, and supporting a community resource center. Everyone at Valley of the Tetons Library is grateful for his generosity toward this project.
The location is ideal for a future library home. The half acre corner lot off of Main St that currently is home to aging tennis courts, is close to Driggs City Center and neighbors other community organizations including Teton School District 401 offices, ABC, 4H, Teton Valley Food Bank, Teton Valley Early Learning Collaborative, and Teton County Community Recycling.
The tennis courts will remain accessible throughout the planning and design phase of this project. New courts are slated for construction in Alta City Park, Wyoming in 2024.
Our New Community Library Progress Report
Work toward a new community library building in Driggs began in 2019. Many community members, volunteers, donors, VTL staff members, trustees and friends have been involved up to this point. We’re grateful for support on this project. To read a progress report on our future community library click here.
Immediate next steps in this project include a 4-6 month planning and strategy phase, land appraisal and zoning work, and formation of task forces that will work with the trustees throughout the project.
Funding for this project will come from a variety of sources including grants, donations, and a capital campaign. Early in 2024, over 210 community members voiced their support in the form of Love Letters to the Library. Those letters of support were used as part of a competitive grant application submitted to Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson. Results of that grant will come out in late 2024.
Community Needs Assessment
In 2023, VTL asked RATIO, an architecture firm specializing in libraries, to help gather community ideas about a potential new library space. Results of this Community Needs Assessment, including one-story and two-story building layout prototypes can be found here.
VTL is enthusiastic about the future and we want to share that excitement with our community. Stop by any VTL branch and explore the many items available for check out. Read a new book, attend a program, make a donation, volunteer or share what the library means to you with a friend. There is something for everyone at the library.